www.dailycoyote.net is a blog I like to look at. It is by Shreve Stockton who writes and takes pictures about her pet coyote, Charlie. I love this blog because I too would love a pet coyote. I hope to one day find a recently orphaned coyote baby and raise it up to be my loyal dog.
The closest I've gotten, was jogging near CalArts. I was running through some high brush, and the head of coyote popped up only ten feet away from me. I took a moment to try and tame the wild dog with my eyes. It was a good half minute of locked looking balls when I decided I needed to take our relationship to the next level. I knelt down slowly. She turned her head to take off, but my eyebrows went up in an expression that said "don't go". She got the message and turned back towards me. I took this as a good sign, so I held out a hand to invite a nice pet, but she had enough. The kiyoat jumped over the hill and out of my life forever. I ran those same hills over the next few weeks with corn chips in my pocket. I was hoping to see her again, and use the corn chips to lure her in close to me. I thought just as she came to snack, I would wrestle her to the ground and wait until she gave in to our friendship. Now I know for next time you befriend wild animals through force, not patience and respect.
that's how i got my prom date senior year.
"locked looking balls"? you've changed,benson.
Great expression! :)
I love the daily coyote (& your blog of course!) Nice work.
Matty and I were talking just the other day about you running around trying to make friends with coyotes.
Do they have coyotes on Alameda Island?
The grass is always greener..I once had a pet coyote. Except it wasn't a coyote, it was a flamingo. I thought I'd love it, but it continually cloaked me in pink feathers and crapped on my pillow. My point is this - I have a flamingo for sale.
Erik you have introduced me to Charlie... what a treat that blog is... and you know what's even better... your drawing! It does Charlie much justice, bravo Benson!
Thanks Erik! And awesome coyote! I have had the same longings. Recently, I tried to tame a wild possum. Picture me getting slowly closer, trying to lure the possum in, while Cole yells in the background that possums bite and me slowly backing away, wishing I had the guts to wrestle the possum into my heart... but failing
Nice drawing! Have you ever considered using a magic flute? Irresistable to coyotes. And skunks.
Hi, Thanks for stopping by my blog and saying nice things about my art. I used to go to Sheridan. I graduated almost 2 years ago.
My god your stuff is awesome! I Love your charcter stuff, such life!
I love this coyote Erik! I really like the style!!
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