I was on the way home from a record store and walked past a college flag football game. I sat down and watched for a bit. I noticed all of the players had these baby faces. Coincidentally they loved to call each other baby...

At one point they had too many players on the field and this guy had to sit out. He slammed the ball down and tore off his flags in protest...
This is the pot calling the kettle black, baby.
Babies in College? Like a bunch of Doogie Howsers? That would be awesome...
How dare you Diana! You know I am sensitive about my unchiseled features!
man o man Erik, your blog is hilarious...
I will visit often and Im sure I will laugh out loud mostly every time.
Glad I stumbled across it..
Can't wait to see this catch on in the nfl..Imagine a guy getting a touchdown and doing his celebratory "baby" dance..
erik.. your blog is so amusing! it feels like this american life snippets in picture form. I am glad I'm aware of this street lingo trend to call your bro "baby". Now I can use the appropriate terminology in my daily conversations, baby!
AWESOME! Maybe it's a babyface league!
I could shave my beard and we could give those foos a run for the money!
hahahaahaha golden as always.
The individuals not reading your blogs stuff are missing out much qualitative contents.
richdad summit
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