Im back from my winter break! Went back home for the holidays and rode a lot of public transportation to get there.
One thing I noticed on the California bus system is...

the shifty guy in the back of the bus. I've been on my share of buses and one thing is universal, there is always at least one shady weirdo towards the back.
Does California have a law that says every bus must at least have one bus weirdo?
There are also lady bus weirdo's, but they are usually driving it.
Next time you're on a bus, look around to see if you can find the bus weirdo, if you can't, that means the bus weirdo is YOU!!!
so true! haha
Haha. Gross.
I used the bus a lot when I was in emeryville, to get to berkeley. Something that would happen a lot is that the bus driver would get in a fight with the bus weirdo. Usually over something menial like the weirdo tapping on the window or pressing the stop button but never getting off.
lol. Always get a good laugh from your blog.
Laughed out loud at this!
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Loved readiing this thank you
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