there was an awkward moment.

Just a few weeks ago at the airport I was going to the bathroom.
Now when I go to the bathroom I'll do a mental check list.
After that I realized something had to be done.
Now when I go to the bathroom I'll do a mental check list.
#1 Check the sign on the front door. If the sign has the symbol of a man, proceed.
#2 Urinals are found in the mens restroom, not the womens. If you see wall toilets you're on the right path.
#3 The third and final check that will dispel all worry... OTHER MEN! If you see men going to the bathroom, chances are you're in the mens bathroom and you will be ...
This checklist can also help women. Just substitute men for women and urinals for a clean floor.
awesome! :)
panel 5 is masterful.
Or look at the floor, guys never aim.
Gross! Hilarious!! I give it 2 thumbs up!
Glad to see your back on track!
your drawings are so great ! you capture so much with so little , its awesome
hahaha, good advice! Although at CalArts I think the men in the men's room, women in the women's room thing is optional.
HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!! My cousin used to make the same mistake quite often too ... and she is a girl .... LOL
that's hilarious!
YES! awesome.
LOL! This is hysterical thanks for the laugh! Just wonderful
THis is HYSTERICAL. YOu're tops!
Amazing timing!
I was pinning away for such type of blogs, thanks for posting this for us.
richdad summit
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