I met a Baldwin on Sunday at urban outfitters. Alec, to be exact. Here is an artist interpretation of said meeting...

I wasn't going to approach him at first, but I did, for three reasons:
1. I love 30 rock, he is hilarious on it.
2. He looked bored.
3. I met Stephen Baldwin four months ago backstage at a concert....

In order to complete the Baldwin trifecta I will be frequenting restaurants I know Billy likes.

I'm hoping after I meet all the Baldwin brothers, they will take me in as one of their own and teach me how to act for television, be handsome, and call my children rude little pigs without legal ramifications.
Oh man I love hearing about your celebrity run-ins. Did you invite Alec over to your house for some x-box as well?
Don't forget Daniel! hahaha
It seems to me that all Baldwins were indeed born with the same right hand handshake...
something, unfortunately, that you will not have once they knight you as the fourth Baldwin...
unless of coarse its photoshopped in.
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